
Hi everybody, the Just Better Lah! blog is dedicated to sharing high-quality content about lifestyle in Singapore and the things that I find interesting and worth sharing in life. The blog focuses on a couple of aspect in our life such as food, fashion, money, travel, work, and technology (Hey, there’s a geek in all of us right?).

From the latest iPhone to Instagram-worthy places around the world, this blog aims to capture my experiences, interests, and knowledge to share with the world.

Of course, there are other lifestyle blogs around too, but there will only be one blog that shares content through my experience and I hope that my experiences will be one that will resonate well with you.

If my page contains content that is well-aligned to your ideal lifestyle and values, I hope that you can join me in this journey sharing experiences and contents you love and value. Start by liking the Just Better Lah! page, hopefully, this is your gateway to an active, admirable and awesome life – because we are Just Better Lah!